Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023
Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023

Join us for a one-year effort to celebrate and raise awareness of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights' 75th anniversary.

On December 10, 2023, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights will mark its 75th anniversary. Before this significant date, on 10 December 2022, we will begin a year-long campaign to highlight the UDHR by emphasising its heritage, relevance, and activism.

Since the 1948 adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, more people around the world have come to recognise and protect these rights. Since then, it has served as the basis for an increasing system of human rights protection that now now places a focus on weaker groups including indigenous peoples and people with disabilities.

Native Americans and immigrants.

The promise of the UDHR, however—of equality in rights and dignity—has consistently come under attack in recent years. The ideals and rights contained in the UDHR serve as benchmarks for our collective activities so that no one is left behind as the world faces new and continuous challenges such as pandemics, conflicts, rising disparities, a morally bankrupt global financial system, racism, and climate change.

The campaign's goal is to increase awareness of the UDHR's universality and the activism that surrounds it throughout the course of a year.

Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023

Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023

Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023

Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023

Happy Human Rights Day Images 2023